Wednesday 26 May 2021

Experimental Program



29th January 2021 

To Whom It May Concern: 

Below are facts as to why halting the rollout of the Covid-19 Experimental Vaccination Program must be regarded as an extremely urgent matter and everything possible be done to realize this goal. 

1. There is no irrefutable evidence for the existence of Sars-CoV2, the virus said to be the cause of Covid-19. In fact, no one has ever isolated this virus and sequenced its genome. However, many fraudulent claims have been made in this regard. The following references are provided regarding the absence of  evidence for the isolation of Sars-CoV2; 


FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever 

Below is an excerpt: 

Some institutions have failed to fully co-operate thus far (i.e. University of Auckland; Public Health Wales; the City of Toronto insists they will not proceed with my request (formally) but already admitted they have no records). 

(And yes, we are aware of the many publications wherein authors claim to have “isolated the virus”. We’ve looked at numerous such studies and have yet to see one where they actually did so. Claiming to have done something and actually doing it are sometimes 2 different things, even in peer-reviewed 

science. And yes we are aware of the many published alleged “SARS-COV-2 genomes” – these were in fact manufactured, not discovered. And yes we are aware that EM photos have been published, allegedly of “the virus”, however a photo of something does not tell you what the thing is, where it came from or what it does. One has to scrutinize the Methods used to “isolate the virus” / 

obtain said photos / obtain alleged genomes, and that is when absolutely everything falls apart with “COVID-19”.) 

• In June Study CDC Scientists Make 2 COVID Admissions that Destroy the Official Narrative 


CDC Document ‘CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel’ 

On page 39 of the original document in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” it says “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for 

detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…” 

In the current document it states ‘Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of 

the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…’ 

2. The RT-PCR test is invalid and scientifically meaningless in the diagnosis of Covid-19. The inventor of this technique categorically stated that it is not a diagnostic test and hence should not be used to diagnose any condition. 


‘COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless - Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose’ 


The Truth About PCR Tests 


‘Covid Science Reveals – Test is Worthless According to World Health Organization!’ 

3. Failure to answer questions by Professor Mahdi and his team of trial investigators 

A list of questions was forwarded to Professor Mahdi who is leading the Covid-

19 vaccine trials in South Africa. To date no answers have been forthcoming. 

4. The Covid-19 experimental vaccines are the most rushed vaccines ever developed. 

5. Manufacturers of these vaccines have been granted total immunity from liability if their products cause injury or death. 

6. Clinical trials testing the safety of these vaccines are still on-ongoing which means that anyone who takes this vaccine is a guinea-pig in an on-going medical experiment on the global population. 

7. The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines are part of an experimental class of injections that have never been licensed for human use previously. 

8. These vaccines have not been tested for their ability to prevent infection or spread of Sars-CoV2 and are not intended to do so. 

9. There is absolutely no long-term data to determine the effects of these vaccines on fertility, their potential for pathogenic priming or any other serious adverse reactions. vaccine-does-not-prevent-covid.aspx 

10. The Covid-19 RNA and DNA vaccines are not actually vaccines. They do not involve the injection of an attenuated virus or part of a virus into the body in order to stimulate the immunization process. Instead, synthetic RNA and DNA are injected which stimulate an auto-immune process and cause modification of the genome in the case of the DNA vaccine. 

11. The synthetic mRNA template is coated with PEGylated lipid nanoparticles which are known to induce allergic reactions and autoimmune disease. 

12. Recent human trials of the mRNA vaccines have demonstrated moderate to severe injection site and systemic reactions for different mRNA platforms. These have also been shown to be associated with autoimmune reactions, oedema and blood clotting. DNA vaccines have also been shown to be associated with immunogenicity. 

Dr Faiez Kirsten 


Health Wellness Performance Institute 

Please also see: 






Sunday 11 April 2021

Sensational Weimar Ruling

 [Forwarded from [GERMAN] Corona Translations]

Sensational verdict from Weimar: no masks, no distance, no more tests for students

On April 8, 2021, the Weimar Family Court ruled that, effective immediately, two Weimar schools are prohibited from requiring students to wear mouth-to-nose coverings of any kind (especially qualified masks such as N95 masks), impose minimum distances on them, and/or participate in SARS-CoV-2 rapid testing. At the same time, the court determined that classroom instruction must be maintained.

For the first time, evidence has now been presented before a German court regarding the scientific reasonableness and necessity of the prescribed anti-Corona measures.


After examining the factual and legal situation and evaluating the expert opinions, the Weimar Family Court has come to the conclusion that the measures now prohibited represent a present danger to the mental, physical or psychological well-being of the child to such an extent that, if they continue to develop without intervention, considerable harm can be foreseen with a high degree of certainty.

The judge states, "Such a danger is present here. Because the children are not only endangered in their mental, physical and psychological well-being in particular by the obligation to wear face masks during the school time and to keep distances among themselves and to further persons, but beyond that already presently damaged. At the same time, this violates numerous rights of the children and their parents under the law, the constitution and international conventions. This applies in particular to the right to free development of the personality and to physical integrity from Article 2 of the “Grundgesetz” [Constitution] as well as to the right from Article 6 of the “Grundgesetz” to upbringing and care by the parents (also with regard to measures for health care and "objects" to be carried by children)...

The judge states: "The children are physically, psychologically and pedagogically damaged and their rights are violated without any benefit for the children themselves or third parties."

According to the court's conviction, the school administrators, teachers and others cannot invoke the state-law regulations on which the measures are based, because they are unconstitutional and thus void. Reason: they violate the principle of proportionality rooted in the rule of law (Articles 20, 28 of the “Grundgesetz”).


The judge summarized his decision as follows:

"The compulsion imposed on school children to wear masks and to keep their distance from each other and from third persons harms the children physically, psychologically, educationally, and in their psychosocial development, without being counterbalanced by more than at best marginal benefit to the children themselves or to third persons. Schools do not play a significant role in the "pandemic" event.

The PCR tests and rapid tests used are not suitable in principle and already in the approach for determining an "infection" with the virus SARS-CoV-2. This results after the explanations in the expertises already from the own calculations of the Robert Koch Institute. According to RKI calculations, as expert Prof. Dr. Kuhbandner states, in mass testing with rapid tests, regardless of symptoms, the probability of actually being infected when receiving a positive result is only two percent at an incidence of 50 (test specificity 80%, test sensitivity 98%). This would mean that for every two true-positive rapid test results, there would be 98 false-positive rapid test results, all of which would then have to be retested with a PCR test.




Monday 5 April 2021

The immune System and your choices with the shot

Dr Sherri Tenpenny: C*vid V@ccines - The risks, The benefits, The Choices

Dr. Tenpenny discusses the C*vidd-19 V@ccines with a panel from South Africa. 

Watch here and share

Dr Sherri Tenpenny: Covid Vaccines - The risks, The benefits, The Choices (

The UGLY truth about the Covid19 lockdowns

The UGLY truth about the Covid19 lockdowns  

Nick Hudson cofounder of PANDA

PANDA (Pandemics – data and analysis) has been outspoken with regards to the policy-makers' reaction to Covid-19, lockdowns and other approaches to the virus. Its viewpoints have ruffled feathers over the past year, with many in the establishment openly hostile towards the group of actuaries, accountants, economists and other professionals who participate in the global think tank. Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA, spoke at the inaugural BizNews Investment Conference in March 2021. Here's his keynote address.

The UGLY truth about the Covid19 lockdowns Nick Hudson cofounder of PANDA (

Monday 22 February 2021

Stepping up to the plate: Vaxx

In a world spiraling out of control with deception and the mainstream media promoting this narrative, there are still good people looking to do the right thing.
In this video, a must watch, the link between a jab and severe adverse effect is clearly illustrated.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Are you wearing a mask

There is this misunderstanding of who harms whom. But love is important to improve understanding. Here's a little clip to help you along. 

Monday 20 July 2020


Most people have heard about the virus and have taken certain measures in this respect. It is, however, important to get a proper understanding so that you are well informed and act accordingly

Have a watch - it really is interesting

Experimental Program

 REASONS WHY THE ROLLOUT OF THE COVID-19  EXPERIMENTAL VACCINATION PROGRAM  29th January 2021  To Whom It May Concern:  Below are facts as t...