Tuesday 21 July 2020

Are you wearing a mask

There is this misunderstanding of who harms whom. But love is important to improve understanding. Here's a little clip to help you along. 

Monday 20 July 2020


Most people have heard about the virus and have taken certain measures in this respect. It is, however, important to get a proper understanding so that you are well informed and act accordingly

Have a watch - it really is interesting

Friday 10 July 2020

The Truth Pill

In this video you will hear more about how this virus impacts you. Pay specific attention to your rights. Doing that which is logical is normal. Doing that which only being more harm to you cannot be seen as normal.
Please watch the video and share.


Courtesy: Dollar Vigilante 


It is enough to know that THEY believe.

Steve Barwick wrote a great article on how the entire manufactured coronavirus crisis is one giant, occult ritual from start to finish, divided up into four mini-rituals, each with the distinct occult purpose of initiation and transformation of the world and its people into a new global order.

In this article, Barwick examines the four distinct, but interrelated, occult rituals that make up this massive global occult ritual initiation ceremony:

    Ritual Mask-Wearing
    Ritual Hand-Washing
    Ritual "Social Distancing"
    Ritual Lockdowns

Let's look at masking, which has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals.

"At this point in time, 30 countries, including the United States, are forcing their citizens to wear face masks over their mouths on a mandatory basis, ostensibly to help stop coronavirus infections.

This, even though numerous medical experts, including the Surgeon General of the United States, have openly stated that wearing masks has no beneficial effect whatsoever against coronavirus.

What's more, numerous medical experts have attested to the fact that face masks can even be dangerous to one's health in that they curtail clear thinking (and even consciousness) by trapping carbon dioxide in the chamber of the mask, forcing you to re-breathe it over and over, thus depleting your blood of fresh air and the life-giving oxygen component it contains.

So why are the powers-that-be, globally, forcing their citizens to wear these face masks, if the masks simply don't work against coronavirus, and might very well be dangerous to your health?  The answer might surprise you:

Among other things, the wearing of the mask over one's mouth is a token of submission...a gesture of your willingness to be subject to others who are not your usual Sovereign.  

But there's more.  According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, mask-wearing is:

"A form of disguise or concealment usually worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of a person and by its own features to establish another being."

In other words, the wearing of a mask represents an occult transformation — a human alchemy, if you will — from one role to another.  From one manner of being, to another.  Indeed, in this case, from individual sovereign under God to collective subject under the children of the devil.

And when Satan gets here in his role of the antichrist, and starts working miracles, and healing people, and working all kinds of supernatural miracles, millions will flock to him, thinking he's "Jesus," and will bow to him and buy right into his system."

I (Berwick, not Barwick), might very well follow in Max Igan's footsteps with today's Hide & Walk with Lucy. You know, Max Igan, TheCrowhouse...who just got 1984'd by YouTube for speaking out against the Australian government?

Yup, his entire YouTube channel exterminated, wiped off the planet. (Thank goodness for Bitchute, LBRY and own channels).

When will we ever learn? The first rule of Fight Club. Don't talk about the government!

In today's video, Lucy is defiant and ungovernable; clearly she's learned more from doing the Walk & Talks with me than I realized. Smart Lucy!

Now if we can just get humans to stand up too. Like Senator Scott Jensen who is now being investigated for speaking the truth about the plandemic. And the Ice Age Farmer who is fighting the controlled destruction of food supply which has been set in motion to cull those who resisted the flu epidemic.

Unlike the entire population of Ontario, Canada, who seem content with their rulers' plan to stay masked until 2022. And a few others, which I mention in today's Hide & Talk.



The CDC is admitting that the death rate is going down, but the media is not blasting it at us.


Whether you believe in the Bible or not, this is a damn great quote:

"Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember?"

– Mark 8:18

This is the most important time of your life to be paying attention to what's going on. Open your eyes, lend out your ears to the advice and information and knowledge that benefits you and your family, not the popular narrative that wants to make you submissive to another's will.  Jeff Berwick

Monday 6 July 2020

The simple truth in under 6 minutes

The media is covered wall to wall with news in a virus. You are inundated with information on the virus. Sometimes it is better to step back and have a simple look at the facts. Let's have a look together - watch the very short video to offer you some objectivity.

What we have been told and what over thousand of independent international scientists tell us that really happened.
Data as per mid-June 2020. Loosely quoted scientists, amongst others but not limited to: Professor John Ioannidis, Professor Dr. Knut Wittkowski, Professor Sunetra Gupta, Professor Dr. Klaus Püschel, Professor Dr. Michael Levitt, Professor Dr. Hendrick Streeck, Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr. Thomas Jefferson, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Dr. Anders Tegnell, Dr. Bodo Schiffmann, Professor Dr. Peter C. Gøtzsche, Professor Dr. Pietro Vernazza, Professor Dr. Didier Raoult and many others.

PS. We make mistakes too, so please tell us (sourced) where and if we would be wrong and we'll be happy to learn and to add changes in the description or the comments. A brief overview of sources and a download of the video (on Vimeo) are also available on the-iceberg.net.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Sunday 28 June 2020

Good health is an Essential job

Good health is an essential job

This lockdown and physical distancing have given people the idea that the way for humans to win our million year war with microbes is to avoid them completely and I'm here to tell you that beating this v*rus isn't dining through glass or Never Going to a concert or ballgame again it's your immune system. You hear people say that C V is the new v*rush so the immune system doesn't know how to handle it.  Of course it does, that's why  the vast majority who have had it either recovered or didn't even know they had it.  What do you think did that -  the human immune system. Now there are people with immune systems that can't do the job and we should protect those people. But compulsively washing, being scared of your own hands -  that can't become the New Normal.
But we are solving the problem from the wrong end and this is a health problem. We can't sanitise the universe. it should be declared keeping our bodies in food health an essential job. That's the only way we are going to win this.

That's the only way you're going to win this

Please watch the video

Choreographed Response

Critical thinking is also about a measure of independent thinking. A recital of the same poem by a number of people shows that they may know the words but do they understand. Even in acting bringing individuality to a role is often encouraged. But what do you make of this? Watch the video

Thursday 25 June 2020

Our Orwellian World

Our Orwellian World
When I was 14 years old I read 1984, and thought what an extraordinary world I would NOT like to live in. And yet a few blinks of the eye....2020.
COVID Pandemic

Came screaming at me.
and as I penitently watched the death rate and infection rate soar...and prepared myself and my family for lockdown and waited for the hospital I worked in to become flooded...
Which it didn't
and again didn't
Isolation crept in
Strain took hold
and then something within me broke free....
Perhaps it was a video I'd watched 
a couple more likely
or 1984 or the Arab Spring
or the End the War campaign post 911
or Palestine
Or Apartheid
That told me something was amiss

And the more I searched, more truths unfolded, some too frightening to share, and yet essential so that we can collectively wake up to the mass rape of our minds.

Experimental Program

 REASONS WHY THE ROLLOUT OF THE COVID-19  EXPERIMENTAL VACCINATION PROGRAM  29th January 2021  To Whom It May Concern:  Below are facts as t...