Tuesday 30 June 2020

Sunday 28 June 2020

Good health is an Essential job

Good health is an essential job

This lockdown and physical distancing have given people the idea that the way for humans to win our million year war with microbes is to avoid them completely and I'm here to tell you that beating this v*rus isn't dining through glass or Never Going to a concert or ballgame again it's your immune system. You hear people say that C V is the new v*rush so the immune system doesn't know how to handle it.  Of course it does, that's why  the vast majority who have had it either recovered or didn't even know they had it.  What do you think did that -  the human immune system. Now there are people with immune systems that can't do the job and we should protect those people. But compulsively washing, being scared of your own hands -  that can't become the New Normal.
But we are solving the problem from the wrong end and this is a health problem. We can't sanitise the universe. it should be declared keeping our bodies in food health an essential job. That's the only way we are going to win this.

That's the only way you're going to win this

Please watch the video

Choreographed Response

Critical thinking is also about a measure of independent thinking. A recital of the same poem by a number of people shows that they may know the words but do they understand. Even in acting bringing individuality to a role is often encouraged. But what do you make of this? Watch the video

Thursday 25 June 2020

Our Orwellian World

Our Orwellian World
When I was 14 years old I read 1984, and thought what an extraordinary world I would NOT like to live in. And yet a few blinks of the eye....2020.
COVID Pandemic

Came screaming at me.
and as I penitently watched the death rate and infection rate soar...and prepared myself and my family for lockdown and waited for the hospital I worked in to become flooded...
Which it didn't
and again didn't
Isolation crept in
Strain took hold
and then something within me broke free....
Perhaps it was a video I'd watched 
a couple more likely
or 1984 or the Arab Spring
or the End the War campaign post 911
or Palestine
Or Apartheid
That told me something was amiss

And the more I searched, more truths unfolded, some too frightening to share, and yet essential so that we can collectively wake up to the mass rape of our minds.

Experimental Program

 REASONS WHY THE ROLLOUT OF THE COVID-19  EXPERIMENTAL VACCINATION PROGRAM  29th January 2021  To Whom It May Concern:  Below are facts as t...